Welcome to this post, where we are going to see how to start from 0 in Waves Ducks and not make mistakes and lose your money in the process.
Waves Ducks is a game on the Waves blockchain, launched by the developers of this network, as the first NFT game of Waves, and that mixes exclusivity with the play to earn game with its characteristic ducks. With currently a NFT that has sold for more than 14,000$ with the short time that this game has.
So let’s take a look at how it works, what you should avoid, and what you should know before buying eggs, NFTs or any aspect of this game.
Before going into detail, it is important to know that Waves Ducks, unlike other games, is located in another blockchain, the Waves network. This means that we cannot use metamask, since it is not currently adapted to this blockchain.
For this, we will need to use the waves.exchange wallet. Although the operation is the same as metamask and does not have much complication. We go to waves.exchange and create our wallet, which we will use to play.
With the wallet created, we need to add funds. To do this, the best option is to buy Waves on Binance, and send them to our Waves wallet. If you don’t have an account with binance, you can create one just below to follow the steps.
Platform: Binance
Min. deposit: $10
License: Cysec
Very low commissions
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With the Binance account created, make a deposit and with the euros or your currency buy USDT. With USDT, search for Waves, and you will see the WAVES/USDT pair to buy Waves. This way, you will already have Waves on Binance.
The next step is to send Waves to your wallet. To do this, we will search for Waves or go to wallet, spot wallet. Here, we will look for Waves, and click on withdraw. Here, we have to open the Waves wallet, and copy the address. We go back to binance and paste it. With the pasted address, we only need to indicate the amount and confirm the transaction in Binance. This way you will have Waves in your wallet to exchange them for eggs and buy your first ducks.
Platform: Binance
Min. deposit: $10
License: Cysec
Very low commissions
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The way Waves Ducks works, is that in the beginning there was one initial NFT, in the beginning there were 4. And you can breed more ducks or Ducks, having two ducks. And every time two ducks come together and breed, they create a combination of these two ducks. If you go to an official website, you will see the combinations that are being created from two ducks, which come together and create a mixture of the two ducks. So there are different types of ducks, which come from different combinations of two ducks.

Once the ducks have bred, they become sterile, so they will not be able to breed anymore. This is very interesting as a game mechanic. Although, each duck has a number of eggs that it will generate each month. And each egg can be sold in the Waves Marketplace.
Once you have an egg, either purchased or received by having your duck, you can exchange your egg for a genesis duck. With the token, egg, you can buy more NFT’s ducks.
How to get started
In order to play the game and get EGGs, follow these steps:
- Create a Waves.Exchange wallet
- Get EGGs on Waves.Exchange or Swop.fi or get them for participating in the game rounds.
- Log in to wavesducks.com, using your Waves.Exchange account. In the corner of the screen, you will see the number of EGGs available to you and you will be able to use your eggs to buy ducks.
To get a duck, you will need to do the following
- Go to the Incubator section
- To start hatching, you need a sufficient number of EGGs and then press the Hatch a duck button.
- Wait 2 minutes for a duck to “hatch”.
- In the Duck Portfolio section, you will see your new duck, now you have it.
Note that each subsequent duck will cost more EGGs than the previous one. So, hurry up! At this very moment, the cost of hatching an egg is 3.49 eggs, about 3.000$.
How much you can earn
On the waves platform, you will be able to find your ducks. For example, I bought a duck for 4 waves, and currently it has generated 0.16 egg each month. If we look at the dollar value, 1 egg is about $1000, so we would be generating about $160 per month if prices remain at this level.
It is really quite a lot, considering that you can sell the duck at any time in the Marketplace. Also, unlike other games, you don’t have to complete any daily missions or tasks. Just click on claim, confirm in your wallet, which in this case is waves keeper, a wallet very similar to metamask, and that’s it. You will have your eggs to sell or use them in the game.
Types of Waves ducks/Ducks
The genotype of each duck includes eight letters, a hyphen and two more letters. The genotype of a duck determines its rarity. The higher the rarity of a duck, the more valuable it is and the higher the token egg breeding rewards you can receive each month.
The first 8 letters are responsible for the appearance of a duck. Currently there are 6 versions in the game:
- А – elon
- B – satoshi
- C – doge
- D – bogdanoff
- E – chad
- F – harold
Let’s say, if you breed aaaaaaaaaa and bbbbbbbbbb, the new duck acquires a random combination of these letters. For example, the duck abaababb can become a mix with Elon’s beak, Satoshi’s eyebrows, Elon’s head, and so on completely randomly.
The first letter after the hyphen represents the generation of the duck. A duck that has just appeared will have the lowest generation of G (genesis). The following generations are:
- H – hero
- I – ideal
- K – knight
- L – lord
- M – magical
The higher the generation, the more unique a duck is: to get a duck of a higher generation, you have to breed two ducks of a lower generation. The higher generation cannot be crossed. The second letter after the hyphen represents the background color:
- R stands for red
- Y for yellow
- G for green
- B for blue
Each duck has a background color. The perches are also different colors. To breed successfully, a duck must be placed on a perch of a matching color. When two ducks interbreed, the backgrounds of the new ducks are determined completely randomly.
The rarity of the ducks is an indicator of the uniqueness of a digital duck. Genesis ducks are the least unique, as they are issued in relatively large numbers, while ducks of the following generations, produced by breeding, have a higher rarity.
As you can see, it is a mechanic to make more and more exclusive and rare ducks, and that users who entered at the beginning, can enjoy the rarest ducks, and with more rarity. It is important to know the rarity, because apart from the amount of egg that a duck can give you, the collectibles part plays a very important role in Waves Ducks, and it is what makes some ducks with a bad egg per month ratio, have a high price, due to their rarity.
Other sections
In incubator, you can use the eggs, to get more ducks. It will cost you 3.49 egg to hatch the egg, which is about 3.000$ to get another duck.
In ducks breeding, you will need two ducks that are not sterile to breed a new duck. In addition to the Marketplace, where you can sell your ducks and buy.
Each duck has a different egg token production rate. So in many occasions, the ones that produce more eggs per month will be more expensive.
I hope this guide has helped you to know the prices and what you can earn, as well as the rarity of each duck. Remember that if you don’t have an account with binance, you can create one below.
Platform: Binance
Min. deposit: $10
License: Cysec
Very low commissions
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